
The cyanotype process also known as a blueprint was developed in 1842. The chemistry involved to create a cyanotype include Ferric Ammonium Citrate and Potassium Ferricyanide. The coated paper is exposed to UV light which then turns into a brilliant Prussian Blue with white highlights. Historically, the most common use of the cyanotype process were for blueprints, botanical purposes and postcards.



White Sands Ocean Floor 

Cyanotype. Limited Edition (50) 2023

and I waited

Cyanotype. Limited Edition (25) 2023


Cyanotype. Limited Edition (25) 2023



 : a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent. 


My most beloved companion, a black cat named Jambi who lived to 20, did not share my love of crows. To Jambi, they were his nemeses.

School is in session. Constructed Imagery Cyanotype. Limited Edition (50) 2023

Moonlight through the Birch trees. Constructed Imagery Cyanotype. Limited Edition (25) 2023

Chain of love. Constructed Imagery Cyanotype. Limited Edition (25) 2023

Cyanotype Photographic Process

Framing & Care of Cyanotype

When framing, be sure the mat board is alkaline free and use UV glass or plexiglas. Cyanotypes are alkali sensitive. The bright blue image will fade if matted, framed or stored in an alkaline environment. Once faded, it will not return. Cyanotypes should not be exposed to strong sunlight. If this occurs, place the cyanotype in a dark environment for a few weeks to recover to its original blue. A good practice is to let it rest in the dark every so often.